Friday 24 June 2016


Why does most of the successful millionaire have at least a mentor that they adore and follow every foot steps of them , and why should we have a mentor as well ?
The answer for this particular question is really easy and that is because when we have a mentor in our life that we like or interested in we will achieve or try our best to achieve the same goals and be in the same league as them.

What is a mentor and how should I determine who should I choose to be my mentor ?
The answer is in yourself because mentors comes from a lot of categories and stages for example, if you are interested in music, maybe you could take Shawn Mendes, Justin Bieber, Adele etc. as your role model. If you are into sports maybe football, you could take your favourite footballer that have a clean record and known worldwide as you mentor for example: Cristiano Ronaldo, Messi, or Neymar as your role model to success. Lets said if you are into the entertainment world, you could take Ellen De Generes, Simon Cowell, David William, or James Gorden as your idol to pursue yourself to the world of entertainment ad judgements. And seriously, even if you could not succeed in life like they do at least you know that you could potentially be someone like them because God gives all of us a gift that is either hidden or visible in your mind or through the public eyes, so all you should do is try figuring out and maybe someday later you could be like you fantastic and respectable mentor or idol.
Side notes: Mentors or idol does not always gets related to someone who are famous or talented, because some of the successful people sometimes take their ordinary parents, best friends, teachers or relative as their mentor and obviously, by choosing this categories of mentor you have to be really sure that he or she is worth following or learning from.

Why does every entrepreneur have a mentor?
Being an entrepreneur is tough and I mean really tough because you could go from rich to poor by just a snap of the finger and you could also go from poor into rich in just a split second, so by having a mentor especially for the business people, it could help them in mastering the basic skills and knowledge that the most successful entrepreneur/ business person have. You see, being an entrepreneur needs a lot of courage and mind skills and most of the entrepreneur failed before in their career so that is why some already successful people spends some of their precious time by making or doing speeches and motivation talks for the younger generation to understand more and won't be so easily to get discourage by a little failure that they will or we will eventually faced someday. Here's a few famous and talented entrepreneur or business person that frequently making speech...
If you are interested in their speech... you could find them easily in you tube

How to be a mentor to someone and what's the benefits in it ?
Being a mentor to someone isn't a easy task at all because by being a mentor you should show a perfect, good and respectable example to a individual that would loved to follow every footsteps you take. So in order to guide someone to the right pathway you yourself should act like a professional and teach them all the moral values, hard works and not the dirty quick rich scheme nonsense.
And when someone had took you as their mentor I could assure you that you would feel so good for helping someone to unlock their full potential and discover their hidden gift, well don't you worried for not having your own benefits because there are benefits of your own self and the benefits is you yourself had unlock your potential and had developed a leadership strength so this is a both parties equal advantage.

What should I do if I have a mentor?
Steve jobs always said "STAY FOOLISH, STAY HUNGRY" and that is basically one of the purest reason for you to have a mentor and the meaning of stay foolish = be stupid, don't act smart
stay hungry = never quit learning or wanting to learnt. So its obvious and well stated what should you do if you have or wanting to have a mentor in your life.

To rep this up I will share a story of mine and my story is about all the mentor that I've followed throughout my life basically. My mentor range from tech, business, singer and you tuber so you see that's not little but quite a lot and that is due to the interest that I have, for example when it comes to the tech industry, my favourite mentor is for sure Bill Gates as he had change the whole world and when it comes to be business industry, my mentor is Jack MA as he had give me a lot of motivation and courage (through video) to be a brave person and never be afraid of failure in life. The music industry is pretty interesting because in the time before I was a huge fan of Justin Bieber as I think that he is a really talented singer and like all other teenagers I would memorise all his lyrics and sing it till I became good at it but eventually in my country, its not easy to step into the world of music. And now last but not least is you tube and here is where I have the most mentors ... well when it comes to you tubers I don't follow their footsteps by being a you tuber but what I follow is their creativity ,braveness and their ability to attract more audiences to watch all of their videos especially in the tech and vlogging categories.... if you are wondering who I watch on you tube I would proudy type it out
Here are the following youtubers:


Told you its not little, but nomatter what it is they bring joy to me and I love watching their videos every single day and most importantly they have change my life and in the same time my ego and shyness will be long gone because of their braveness whom had inspire me the most.

Monday 20 June 2016

Why Should You Start Today And Not The Final Moment

The human brains seems to have a talking machines like siri or google now that will tell us to do the things that is not important first and then do the important stuff in the last minute like exams, meeting stuff etc. but at least google now and siri is much more reliable and this order or answer is more beneficial to us. As all that said,I'm no exception because I seems to do my revision or studying the final minute or day before the test/exams starts and I've been regretting it every single time when I started somethings that concerned my future at the very last minute/moment.

So this is the most powerful quote that works every single time for me, well of course I'm sure that this quotes isn't something new and that is "START NOW AND THE FUTURE YOU WILL THANK YOU" And I'm pretty sure that it makes a deep sense and what it stated is the real truth because for the experience that I have encounter and most successful people too (well I'm not saying that I'm successful but just saying that I myself had experience the differences)

Now I will share my short story, OK in one year I will have 4 exams in total and that is 1st semester, mid terms ,3 semester and end of the year test. During the last 2 months test I prepare and doing my revision one day before the exam start and obviously i failed, no credits, get number 12 out out 28 people in my class and from others point of view I totally and  intentionally screwed up my test and to be honest i was shy, feeling stupid as hell when my result sucks so i tell myself that i wanted too changed my grades for god sakes during my next test and that is the mid-terms.
And thankfully my mid-terms had just end last 3 weeks and during that period, I totally spent most of my time studying and doing the revision that I've needed and when i said i prepare early I meant 3 days before exams because i just want too see if there's any changes and mid-terms are one of the most difficult tests that lasted for 3 weeks straight non-stop and yes it helps not a little but a lot and I mean it.My grades wasn't the best but it has improved drastically and this word suits the most. I had 8 credits and that is 1A 4A- 2C+ 1C and for my class ranking I've dropped (improved) from number 12 to a quite OK number 5 with a school ranking of less than half and that's surprised my quite a lot actually. That's my wonderful moment that starting from the day my result was issued or announce I've ask myself almost everyday that why have I've been so lazy and doesn't want to start earlier and be happy later if you get what I meant.

Another story of mine is about working out to keep fit...basically I was in the range of obesity or overweight when I was 13 years old with a BMI of 26 and a half and for your information that is a really unhealthy rate and my friends would always called me fat and obviously weak as well. You might ask why should I be overweight and why didn't you exercise in the first place, alright the answer is simple and stupid and that is I thought I could not lose weight anymore and my life will just be this way (fat, weak, undependable, a loser and all the negativity stuff) but that mindset of mine change when I was 14 years old. During the 14 years old me on that time I was determine to lose weight, be strong, tall, muscular, cool, and feels great, awesome about my self.So like all the aesthetics people we starts from low level to some hardcore level and my first workout is push up and during the push up workout I've founded my talent and that is doing 60 push ups in 1 minute and that is like 1 push ups 1 second and I admit that I'm showing off now but its a reality that I'm the best at push ups in my whole school and basically the teacher could not even believe that i could do that much as most of my school athletics could not do that much.OK lets cut the crap now and yes I've made it, just in a short 7 months of non stop training my BMI level drop from 26 and a half to 24(upper fit) during that moment I was so proud of myself and I told myself to never give up anytime soon and I've kept my promised to my self, for that in the age of 15 my BMI had shrink from 24 to a whopping 22 (perfectly healthy fit) and that is all thanks to the motivations from most you tube trainers and quotes from the worldwide search engine google.

So for closure, I'm saying that we should never start when its too late because regrets is just  in front of you if you don't take any actions to change the future of yours. Don't believe in my story, experience, than its OK but just try to do it because the ancient word is always right and that is "YOU NEVER TRY YOU NEVER FAILED, AND IF YOU NEVER TRIED YOU WILL NEVER KNOW WHETHER OR NOT IF YOU WILL PASSED"so just never give up on trying, life is all about exploring, doing and failing or succeeding.

And all that said I wish every single one of you out there to be more aware and do well on every single things you do and be the generations of success.

Wednesday 15 June 2016


My name is MATTHEW (a name based on bible), well most people called me Matt and I loved the nickname and as the title had stated, I'm not a Chinese, Malay, or Indian but I'm a CHIN DIAN or you could said it in a few different ways that is Chinese plus Indian or mixed child Etc. and what I'm most proud to said is I'm lucky enough to fall into a religion that I loved the most and that is Catholic because I felt that Jesus is someone who will guide you to the right directions and will love you forever, please note that I'm not saying that other religion are bad or what so ever but what I'm trying to said is that I'm proud of my own faith and religion so please don't get me wrong I'm not trying to be a racist. So lets get back to the topic: is born becoming a CHIN DIAN someone cool, good, bad, fun, exciting...

The answer is in between all the followings that I've mention. The good part in becoming a Chidian is that I felt that I'm different (in a good way of course at least for me) so i loved it being different from others and I felt more limited and special. Well the bad part is that I looked brown or tan (hope I spelled it correctly so people will usually called me a Malay as in Asian brown means Malay so what's bad is during the Muslims Ramadan or fasting month and people will usually ask me why i did not fast but fortunately I wore a silver necklace with a cross so that for sure people won't misunderstood me and that makes it much better.

There's a plus for being a mixed child is that I could conquer a lot of languages I have a total of 4 subjects or languages that i could speak and that is English (my main language or worldwide language), Chinese (China language), Malay (Malaysian, Singaporean, Indonesian language) and Hokien (Taiwan Chinese) and now I'm learning Indian (India language) so that's the best plus as I could communicate with people from probably everywhere throughout the world and for sure there will be more jobs opportunity for me in the future in ton's of different kind and cultures countries. I'm not showing off or what so ever because it doesn't only have to be a mixed children or people to learn all this because all you need is a few motivation or courage to learnt and never ever give up because giving up is only for loser and not winner so never just suddenly give up just because you did not witness any changes.

OK the fun part is always happen when I saw someone my own race and that's always are a unforgettable experience especially the 4 days camp that I've join. At there I've meet with a lot of CHINDIANS and they are quite handsome, beautiful and yea talented as well and i mean all of them even the other races as well so I'm really grateful for that. And through that I know that I'm not really alone in this categories.

The exciting part is that I always get a tons of question about my culture and my background or experience as a CHINDIAN, through this I get a lot of friends and get to them as well and that's the exciting part and it almost happen everyday. And the another exciting part is I will celebrate CHRISTMAS and CHINESE NEW YEAR due to my culture mixed .And during this special event i could get lots of present and "ANG PAO" (Chinese traditional ways to give someone money with red packet for good luck etc.). Hold on the next exciting part of me is that different people will just talk to me with different language as I have a little Chinese faced, Malay and mostly mixed so there will be a lot of people just talk to me in different languages.

So that's how a mixed life is. Basically, it is almost the same as other ordinary life and of course we are all human and we all have problems so I'm not excluded from any problem because I'm not anything special. Hope you enjoy my story or experience.

Monday 13 June 2016

My Camping Story

I'm a person who is pretty shy to communicate but always when I've attend a particular camp especially religion related ,by the way I'm a Catholic and I'm proud of it well lets get back to the story when i mean I'm shy I'm serious about that even I'm a man full of body muscle and well whenever I've join a camp I've change like into a new person.In example I've became a much more open minded guy, happy person, free from anxiety etc. , and a person that is more adventurous in the same time friendly.So, basically my story is for you to be more pump up while going to a camp and be more motivate in a same time.

OK first and foremost, the reason that I've did not wrote any blogs for the past 5 days is because I'm in camp for 4 days 3 nights and yesterday that is the fifth day I was really tired and preparing for classes so I'm sorry.So now I could cut the introduction and start my experience.

The day before going to the camp I was like damn.... I'm starting too regret the decision to join the camp even its compulsory but it all change in the first day that is camp introduction is by doing a game that is pretty creative and every morning than we have bible sharing alright some of you might said its bored but trust me its a total not because I felt that it is a way we can know more about each other more and in the same time improving our specking and interacting skills so yea its really fun and I'm blessed I have a good team that I loved and appreciate throughout my 4 days trips

Sadly there are 1 flaws but its not a huge one. And so the only flaws through the camp is the food. The food is not that good and in the same time its not really that bad alright through the scale of  1 to 10 i will rate the food a solid 5 or average.

Then we have a night called talent night that is made to show our talent as a group and our group was chosen to do skits (acting) and there are also singing and dancing that is also really interesting and I'm pretty amazed by see the talent that all of us have even though we have quite a boring look stick on our face and of course nothing is perfect and there are some individual who had made a pretty visible mistake but with our maturity we had clap our hands to give some mentally support as that's what our human should do and religion stated that too.After talent night we had dance and sing and its really fun, the music was self made but still seriously nice and till now I myself the miss that song that we sing as it contain a lot of deep meaning of life when we dance its pratically like going on a disco and dance our ass out. Theres only a things we missed for a camp must that is overnight without sleep but what can we do as we are so tired by the joyfulness.OK if you wonder what I did for talent night um um I was a PLAYBOY/MAFIA  and can't believe it works out perfectly and I'm proud of myself because never in my life I think I could act a character that is pretty serious throughout but it could turn out so funny that everyone laugh.

The camp also teaches us about Sex, the history of the church and personal testimony time and the one I love the most is testimony time as it is really mind opening and it is actually a session that let you discover your friends more and now I totally believe that even some people looks perfect, stays  in luxury and look good but they have their personal stories that they cried when sharing it and it really brokes my heart and respect them. So you see you don't have to be envy on others life because you don't know the suffered and pain they have gone through and they might be happy outside but you should know that you could be much happier than them inside so we are all a family and there's no need of unnecessary comparing as that will only make you yourself feels worst and useless. Yes I myself had also shared my problems and after the sharing i felt really good and happy that I have a good and understanding listener.

After the camp had end we still keep in a tight touch by connecting, adding and following each other at whatsapp, instagram, we chat, face book and we had created a group that is so active. Well there are good and bad in camps but 90% is fun and the bad was only 10 small % and that's again is only the food .

So in conclusion, don't worry if you wanted to join a camp but just because your friends are not there and you force yourself to gives up because trust me you will find a friend like no others and you will be so happy. Don't make your life so unadventurous by just staying at home netflix and chill all day because that's not the 365 days in a year is for.

Monday 6 June 2016


Pain is a feeling like that could cause from emotional, illness and physical territories. So for simple to said, all of us are scared of pain especially illness and physical pain. But there are also people that don't fear any of them and of course, we should take them as a example if we wanted to be like them. And yea this is the best tips for you to be able to endure any pain bravely.

1.Have a mentor
As I've stated earlier that take them as a example, but now who? you might ask. So have you ever watch 'LONDON HAS FALLEN', 'HITMAN AGENT 47','OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN', 'AIR FORCE ONE' or 'FIFTH WAVES' YES, than that's great because you could take them as a life motivator but in a good way of course. You see most of the shows, dramas and movies are based on true life events that had happen or might happen in the future. At least not the fictions one. So you could take that as a good self life motivation, here's an example: In OLYMPUS and LONDON HAS FALLEN, Mike Banning is a special force agent from the secret service that protects the president of the united state and he had injured alot and still fight for his life and that is a good motivation for you to not be afraid of minor pain as this world really has special force and they have the same attitude shown in the movie that is BRAVE, AWARE, ALWAYS TAKING PRECAUTIONS ETC.

2.Understand that the pain won't last forever
I know I know illness last almost forever but note that the world technologies has far improve to another level and most of the sickness pain could be reduce with a drugs (legal), and sedative injections. And now, lets talk about the other kind of pain that is punishment pain and the embarrassment that you get just ignore it ignore what others think about you because that is just a waste of time and our life's is ours live it for our own good and you don't have to live your life for others that don't matter to your life.And the last pain is the pain of losing someone whether is someone has passed on or leave you for another person when this cases came you should consult a psychologist for a more fast and effective result.Just know that consulting this professional doesn't make you look like a savage or a maniac it is totally fine and there will not be any leakage of your data to the public eyes.

3.Learn martial arts
Teakwando, MMA, Ninjutsu, Wusyu (Chinese teakwando) There are so many martial arts that you can learnt to prepare for any unwanted but needed battle and if you are not interested in martial arts you could learnt street fight or self defending classes as it is pretty interesting.Learning all this will gives you the ability to improve your inner alpha to face the reality when you faces it

This might only be 3 tips but it is as effective as you would never imagine so starting from today change yourself and be a brave guy or girl that you have never been.

Friday 3 June 2016


Some of our ambitions, dreams, and future planning are in our parents or relative hand. They seems to plan out everything and when we said that we are interested in some jobs or profession they would seems to discourage you and stated all the negativity about that particular job. So are you the one who get controlled for your own future? If the answer is yes than I'm sorry and don't worry because this is not the end and all you got to do is to stand up for your self and learnt to said NO!!! to someone for the sake of yourself. But if the answer is No than congratulation as you have full control for your own choice and nobody is mentally forcing you.

OK I tell you a story of a family that are all doctors from the past generation till now and there are a son of them that said to their parents that he wanted to be a businessman, and obviously his parents objected and said that "You would change our family tradition, and they will said that businessman is to much of a risk or businessman can't save life's etc." basically all the negative ideas that they (the parents) could think of. Eventually, his son agreed (not sincerely) to be a doctor just like all of his family. After a couple of tough and forceful medical university coarse, internship and houseman ship he totally rather want to give up his career and fall into a deep depression and frequently fainted due to large amount of stress and long working hours and the normal on-call in the emergency 4 to 5 times every single night and there's no need to mention the day as well. But while comparing with other doctor(his colleague)that done the exact same job as him they are perfectly fine, happy, energise almost in every working condition. Through a few good weeks of thinking and brain cracking he lend his resignation letter to the owner (his father) and just walked out of there and does not care about others thinking and bravely took on a business in real estate master degree with scholarship due to his flying colour grade and perfect curriculum score during his high school year.And surprisingly he is a successful person that had own more property than any of his ex colleague (THE DOCTORS) and own a few sports and luxury car such as a Ferrari 458, Lamborghini hurricane, Mercedes S Class AMG and a BMW 7 series  and a few super bike ranging from Ducati to Harley Davidson but that's not the important things because the most important things is his happier than before and ever.

Through this short story I'm not asking you to not follow your parents instruction but all I wanted to said is that you should follow your own instinct when trying to make a decision when its related to your long term life and just do it and ignore all criticism because that's basically how pop star became famous and TV host like ELLEN DE GENERES, JIMMY FALLON and OPRAH WINFREY to be so famous and well-known worldwide just by hosting their own TV shows.And just always remember, look for a job that you are interested it and not because of the title and salary.Because once you fall in love with your job without taking title and salary in mind that both words will eventually pop up in your desk and bank account that's what all currently the successful people such as RICHARD BRANSON (co-founder of Virgin Group),BILL GATES (co-founder of Microsoft INC.) etc.

Note: Success is not always got to do with earning a tons of money, living in a big mansion and driving a luxury car everyday but success is actually something that you are passionate about and willing to work till you old. So if your dream is to be a successful you tuber, blogger, dancer, bodyguard, painter and paint the ocean and scenery every day just go ahead as that's a success in your mind so there's no need to hesitate and start trying.

So young ladies and young gentleman, I believe that you will make a good choice by choosing your profession and with a sincere heart. I also believe that you will eventually be more successful than most of the people that judge you by the standard of a career.

Thursday 2 June 2016


Why should our life be full of worries, why should our body contain adrenal hormones that scares the hell out of us every single day due to small issues. I just don't get it why should we be worried about some small things that really won't change much especially to the people that have anxiety disorder and depression. That includes me which always worried about the things that going to happen and had already happen so its really tough to handle and overcome.

OK you see some of the people said that the rich had nothing to worried as they are so rich, but in reality I've read that most of the rich worries most of the day as most of them are businessman ,entrepreneur, developer or investor etc. so they basically worried about all money and business related stuff. The middle class also worries almost everyday about bills managing, they worried about the economics downfall and much more stuff that could range from small to huge. And yes the poor and homeless are worrying all day long as well, they worried about the money and how they get treated etc.. If you want to know even student this era have worries like nobodies business, they worried about their education, exams result, they even worried about how they should faced the world and society in the future. The elderly that had already retire has a lot of worried as well, they worried about their well being, they are scared about their the sickness and illness that could get into them.

As all that said, I really hope that us human will only worried about the worst and not the minor issues but yea I know it not easy to do so even if we meet a psychologist or psychiatrist(for a major stress and anxiety problem) But no matter how much you worried, you should know that nothing will change but if there are something you are able to change the future, change it and stop just worrying.

Believe me whenever you felt worried about anything, thing that you are not alone and probably 99% of human population encounter worried and anxiety for their particular reason. And always keep in mind that never do anything that would harm yourself, as commit suicide will never cure anything and in the other way around you are just killing yourself and destroying your family and close one to be sad and depress. So never give up on your life, there are people in the world whom live in a environment with war, natural disaster, terrorism attack, without food etc. but there's a thing that they have done that we could take as a life lesson. And the lesson that we could follow is to never give up no matter whatever the consequences is.

In conclusion, I believe that all of you are someone who care and love yourself and your close one. And I myself believe that you won't do anything bad or harmful that would change the history.